February 2022
Changes to Safe Church On Line Training
In the last few years, the Ecclesiastical Province of BC &Yukon implemented the Armatus safe church training program . Many of you will have taken some of these training modules. The modules are initiated by a company in the US and are designed to provide a basic understanding of safe church issues. Most of the people in the parishes throughout the Territory of the People who needed to complete training modules have done so.
The Armatus program has changed and is now called “Praesidium Academy.”
With the change in programs the usernames and passwords for Armatus are no longer valid.
With the new program Praesidium Academy, the Territory Administrator generates an invitation directly to the user. When the user receives the invitation it is up to him/her to generate their own password to have access to the training modules. Each user will then need to self-select the training modules they need for their particular role, as we are no longer able to administer this centrally. A list of training modules your particular role requires is posted to this website - See List of Roles.
To our knowledge, none of our volunteers or staff have lost progress on modules completed under the Armatus program and those users should have received by now an email detailing which module has been transferred to Praesidium Academy.
Users who have completed their training and received their Certificate of Completion do not need to do anything at all at this time. For those users who need to complete additional modules we are aware of your frustrations, and thank you for your patience as we worked through this new system.
New users: to be registered for the online safe church training through Praesidium Academy, please contact the Territory Administrator at office@territory.anglican.ca
Thank you...
Margaret Mitchell
Safe Church Administrator
Who needs to take Safe Church training? All those serving in medium and high risk parish ministries are required to complete Safe Church training. See List of Roles to determine whether or not you need to take the training.
Record Keeping: Once you have completed all the modules assigned by the system, including reading and agreeing with the following Territory Policies:
and providing a current Criminal Record Check, you can generate a Certificate of Completion.
Please email this certificate to your parish office where it should be kept in the parish’s confidential files. Parishes are responsible for ensuring lay parishioners and employees have completed the training and submitted their certificate. Clergy can email a pdf of their certificate to the Territory office. Lay Ministers of Word and Sacrament are to submit an electronic copy of their Certificate of Completion to the Territory office as a requirement for their annual license.
Praesidium and Territory List of Roles
4.2 Criminal Record Check Policy
4.4 Workplace Harassment, Bullying and Discrimination
4.6 Computer, Email and Internet Usage/Pornography
How to obtain a Criminal Record Check - The Territory of the People is now enrolled in the applicant-based eCRC online service. This online service is available to employees and volunteers; however employees may also use the current process of applying through their local RCMP office; volunteers may also use the current process of manual application through the Territory office.
Online application is optional, more information on the both the manual and online process can be found on our new web page under Resources/Criminal Record Check here.