The links below appear in the order of the printed Territory of the People policy manual. Clicking on a link will download the section to your device.

20 November 2021

At the Coordinating Council meeting held on 20 November 2021, the following revisions to policy and forms were approved and have now been uploaded to the website, together with a revised Table of Contents.

Revisions - 20 November 2021:

  • 1.11 Nominating and Electoral Procedure for the Election of a Bishop for the Territory of the People Anglican Church
  • 2.3  Parish Mileage and Territory Meeting Travel Expense
  • 5.1  Parish Mileage Claim
  • 5.2  Travel Expense Claim

The Policy Committee Report to Coordinating Council summarizing the revisions to these policies can be found here.  

Future Policies:

Two new policies are being developed and will be submitted for approval to Coordinating Council at Assembly May 27-29, 2022:

  • 3.11 Working Alone
  • 3.12 Lay Employee Remuneration and Benefits

Anti-Racism Policy - work is in progress in conjunction with the Anglican Church of Canada and other relative groups in drafting this policy.

PLEASE NOTE: updates continue regularly. If you have any questions regarding the status of a given section, or if you have suggestions or recommendations for new or revised policy, please contact the Territory office: or phone: 778-471-5573

