St Andrews and St Mary’s is a shared ministry combining spiritual practices of both the United Church of Canada and the Anglican Church of Canada.
We have been a shared ministry officially since November 2012 but have been worshiping together for quite some time.
We use liturgy from various sources in order to have a blended worship on Sundays.
We have Bible study on Wednesday at 10:30. Our office hours are Tuesday and Thursday from 8:30 until noon.
We have various outreach ministries.
There is ‘Soups On’ (hot soup, buns, fresh fruit and dessert) on Mondays at noon from October to the end of May for our wider community.
Once a month on the third Wednesday of each month we operate our Loaves and Fishes Food Bank.
We have other groups using our building – Lillooet Community Choir, Lillooet Hospice, Quilters Guild, Beavers, and Alcoholics Anonymous. At various times of the year, Lillooet Music will use our church for concerts.
In late November, Fountainview Academy will also perform here with a talented group of student musicians and choir. All of the concerts are open to the wider community of Lillooet.
Our United Anglican Women's Group or UAC holds their annual bazaar on the last Saturday of November.
In the spring, we hold our annual garage and plant sale. We aslo hold a “Spring Tea”. Throughout the year there are other events – church picnic, movie nights, book studies and various other celebrations within the life of our parish.
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Our services are held each Sunday at 10:00 am. Once a month we hold Holy Communion on Sunday morning.
During the week we meet for Morning Prayer on Tuesdays and Thursday at 9:00 am.
On Wednesday mornings at 9:30, there is Holy Eucharist from the Book of Alternative Services of the Anglican Church of Canada.
As well, we conduct Evening Prayer at 4:30 pm on Wednesdays.