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The Bishop spent the weekend visiting the parishes of Lytton and Lillooet. She was warmly greeted by both communities and spent time having meaningful conversations with many people.

On Saturday afternoon, Bishop Clara met with Joan Giannone from the Lillooet Friendship Centre. They spoke about some of that organisation's projects, some of the issues that Lillooet faces, and how the church could best serve our community. 

That evening,  we drove to Lytton and listened to a talk from historian and academic Dan Marshall, who has written a new book detailing previously untold stories of British Columbia's history.  This was followed by chatting with members of the local community over a potluck meal. 

On Sunday, Bishop Clara preached at services in Lytton and Lillooet both followed by further potluck meals with the congregations.  On Monday morning, Darren and the Bishop said morning prayer at Seton Lake and then travelled to Lytton for the regular coffee morning.  There, she spoke with pastoral elders and members of the church board, as well as residents.

Thank you to Fr Darren Bell for the photos

Photos are:

Bishop Clara preaching at St. Barnabas

Peggy Chute, Esther Brown and the Bishop in St Barnabas. Esther is a former pupil of Peggy’s, who became an education assistant at the elementary school in Lytton.

The Bishop, Peggy Chute and Fr Darren 

Pastoral Elder Ursula Drynock, the Bishop and Pastoral Elder Amy Charlie in Lytton parish hall.