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Bishop’s Message:

This is the last day in the office for me before I leave on Sabbatical. I am so excited to be away for this sabbatical time of study in Chicago and trust that I will come back renewed and refreshed with a new body of knowledge to incorporate in my ministry. Thank you for the wonderful privilege you have given me to go away to study and refresh my spiritual well-being.

In consultation with Archbishop John, while I am away the following people will be overseeing the mission and ministry of the Territory of the People:

The Very Rev. Ken Gray, be authorized to be commissary for the Territory of the People and oversee matters related to parish, personnel, and act as Chair on the various committees the Bishop serves as Chair. I am asking that if there is a major decision to be made, he work with the Regional Deans, the Administration Committee and Archbishop John. This is in keeping with my own practice.

Mr. Dwight Oatway, Financial Officer will serve with the Dean to oversee the day to day operations of the office of the Territory of the People. He is prepared to supervise the staff, and deal with all the administration tasks. Dwight will also attend the Council of the North meeting on behalf of the Territory at its Fall meeting.

Regional Deans the Rev Isabel Healy-Morrow (South) and the Rev Len Fraser (Cariboo) will oversee the ministry of the two deaneries. They will serve in an advisory role with the Dean and Financial Officer, will oversee the pastoral needs of our faith communities, and ensure the deanery programs are carried out. 

The Rt Rev Gordon Light (retired) at the request of Dean Ken Gray and/or the Archbishop has agreed to take on the role of “Bishop” should it come necessary for certain events.

I trust you will find this plan for commissary, and oversight of the Territory of the People is in order. I have every confidence in the Dean. Financial Officer, Regional Deans and Retired Bishop Gordon to oversee all that may arise in my absence.

Other changes which have taken place in the office this summer:

Margaret Mitchell, has been employed as interim Office Coordinator until the end of January 2018. She will oversee the day to day tasks of the office and will be available for Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday - 10 am to 4 pm daily. 

Andy Prodaniuk, will join the staff on Sept 5th and will oversee the accounting for the Territory of the People.

Dale Drodza, will be completing her summer project with us and she will be missed by all of us who had the privilege of working with her this second summer. We wish her well as she returns to university.

I know you will welcome the new staff and join me in saying a huge thank you to Dale as she leaves us.

And yes, if you are interested in my study project see the description linked below.

Blessings, +Barbara