It has been such a difficult time this last year and beyond for everyone in the Territory. With the COVID-19 pandemic still raging, the intense heat bubble, the destruction from the devasting wildfires, a summer filled with fire and smoke, and the sudden resignation of our Bishop in June, there has been so much stress affecting all in our communities.  

The Territory was scheduled to have an Assembly this Fall, but because of the circumstances mentioned above, instead of an Assembly we held an AGM with the Coordinating Council on the evening of Friday, October 15th, as required by the BC Society Act, at which Archbishop Lynne McNaughton was chair.  

On Saturday October 16th, from 10:00 am to 4pm three Regional Gatherings were held in the Territory. Archbishop Lynne hosted the Regional Gathering from St. Paul’s Cathedral, Kamloops, which was livestreamed throughout the Territory.  The Regional Deans Rev Jo Ann Hinter and Rev Angus Muir hosted delegates and participants from their respective deaneries in Quesnel and Ashcroft; the livestreaming was available for everyone who wished to be part of the gatherings. There was also an opportunity for group discussions with everyone who wished to take part. 

The Theme for the Regional Gatherings was "Come and Find a Quiet Centre" the message comes from scripture, Isaiah 30:15 - "In quietness and in trust shall be your strength."  The theme was also inspired from the vision statement the Territory adopted at our Assembly in 2011:

 “The Territory of the People walk together with all God’s people, journeying into a new creation, and trusting with faith and courage in the guidance of the Holy Spirit. We love as Jesus loves, living with integrity and openness, and are committed stewards of God’s world.” 

Archbishop Lynne McNaughton facilitated the Gatherings, and guests included Archbishop Mark MacDonald, the Anglican Church of Canada National Indigenous Bishop, and Bishop Mary Irwin-Gibson from the Diocese of Montreal, the Territory's Companion Diocese, all of whom were present at St. Paul's Cathedral Kamloops.

The day's events were live streamed from St. Paul's and broadcast to the regional locations, as well as accessed by those at home.  Throughout the day, Archbishop Lynne posed questions for small group conversations, and the responses gathered.  To ensure all responses were received, the Rev Canon Len Fraser facilitated a Zoom video conference which also enabled those not gathering in person, to be grouped in break out rooms to have conversations. All participants had the opportunity to respond to the questions posed.

These Regional Gatherings provided an opportunity for our people in the Territory to gather together for a time of open conversation, to check in on how people are doing, to journey together through the healing process.  It was a time for connecting the Territory to itself and an opportunity for small groups to gather face to face.  Group discussions were facilitated in each of the three locations with topics to lead the conversation. 

On Sunday Morning, October 17th at 10:00 am Sunday morning worship service was livestreamed from St Paul’s Cathedral throughout the Terirtory. Clergy were encouraged to take that Sunday off from their own parish, to enable all parishes and parishioners to join with Archbishop Lynne, Archbishop Mark and Bishop Mary as the whole Territory worshipped together as one community.  

We came together as one body to listen to each other, share our thoughts and concerns, to be refreshed, feel the love of neighbour, and be encouraged to keep going.  

Listed below are video links to the weekend, as well as pdf files of Archbishop Lynne's notes, the PowerPoint presentation, responses to +Lynne's questions, notes recorded from the day's proceedings, and Archbishop Lynne's sermon at Sunday's worship.

We hope you will find these documents and videos informative and helpful as the Territory continues to journey together into the future.


1. The Territory Regional Gathering Day - October 16, 2021 - CLICK HERE

2. The Regional Worship Service - October 17, 2021 - CLICK HERE

3. Archbishop Lynne McNaughton's Sermon - October 17, 2021 - CLICK HERE